Located in beautiful Vermont, The Simmering Bone supports the best of our small, local farms while bringing the highest quality bone broth to you and yours. 

Our focus on extracting as much healing collagen as possible is what sets us apart. When cold, our broth is the consistency of jell-o, a key indicator of an abundance of collagen.Don't worry, that jiggly mass heats to a delicious, soul-warming liqui…

Our focus on extracting as much healing collagen as possible is what sets us apart. When cold, our broth is the consistency of jell-o, a key indicator of an abundance of collagen.

Don't worry, that jiggly mass heats to a delicious, soul-warming liquid and is meant to be sipped just like coffee or tea.

The Simmering Bone seeks to provide access to healthy, nourishing food that supports optimal growth, development and general health. The concept is a broth-based company utilizing bones from grass-grazed Vermont animals that live as close to the way nature intended as possible and sourcing produce from 100% organic farms that value and practice ecological responsibility and sustainability.  "Simmer" is committed to a plastic free existence. 


Health Benefits


Health Benefits

Healthy liver & gut

Alleviation of issues associated with degenerative joint diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis

Healthy musculoskeletal system

Reduction & alleviation of allergic symptoms in infants relying on formula

Reduction & alleviation of allergic symptoms in adults suffering from food allergies & sensitivities

Improved digestion

Repair of gastrointestinal disorders

Healthy pregnancy

Healthy growth of young children & a growing fetus

We are absolutely thrilled to be working with so many farms that embody what we believe in here at The Simmering Bone.  Please, take a moment to get acquainted with the farms that define who we are at our very core!




Our beef broth comes from the collective efforts of three wonderful farms: Tamarlane Farm: Not only are their cattle certified organic, grass-fed and pasture-raised, they are part of the working ecosystem that is the farm.  Tamarlane cows are part of the family and eat accordingly.  Their food is grown on site and the waste they generate provides compost fertilization to the fields on which they rely.  Tamarlane’s commitment to the healthiest, safest food out there translates into a beef broth that just cannot be beat! Luna Bleu Farm: Raised on the pristine fields of South Royalton, VT, these organic, pasture-raised cows are also an integral part of their animal-energy driven farm system. Back Beyond Farm: These organic, pasture-raised cows are raised in the hills of Tunbridge, VT and are part of a diversified, year-round farming program.



Found in Barnet, VT, Cross Farm works hard to manage its certified organic, pastured livestock in a way that stimulates improved plant growth, increased soil carbon deposits, and overall pasture and grazing land productivity. They are doing their part to help mitigate climate change with the resulting increases in soil fertility and health, insect and plant biodiversity, and soil carbon sequestration. Their Cornish Cross chickens enjoy a unique free-range pasture system, have vast access to clean, lush pasture, and are fed a specialty custom organic poultry feed milled just down their road at Morrison’s Custom Feeds. Wild Harmony Farm is dedicated to raising meat lovingly, humanely, and with integrity. They raise their animals on pasture and practice rotational grazing — good for the land, good for the animals, and good for you! Their chickens are raised on organic pasture, supplemented with organic grain, and move daily to fresh grass. While their farm is in RI, their birds are processed right here in Richmond, VT at Maple Wind Farm! We are pleased to support Maple Wind Farm and their pasture-raised birds, which forage the green pastures of Richmond, VT. Their diet is supplemented with Vermont-grown, verified non-GMO grain.



Brought to you thanks to the collective efforts of three wonderful farms: HighFields Farm is a diversified hill farm working to renew and give back to their 130 acres in the foothills of the Green Mountains in Randolph, VT.  Like all of the animals on this certified organic farm, the North Country Cheviots we source for our lamb broth are free to roam and graze the fresh pastures this Scottish Highland breed of sheep are lucky enough to call home.  The conscientious folks at High Ridge Meadows Farm are committed to healthy, nutritious, organically and naturally grown and raised food and they work hard to preserve the farming history and the beautiful mix of mountains, forests and fields that we hold so dear here in Vermont. The beef and the Icelandic and Katahdin sheep we source from this small family farm are free to drink the pure spring water and graze the certified organic pastures on which the farm is nestled.  The mission at Stark Hollow Farm - a small, diversified farm in the beautiful town of Danville, VT - is to exist in sync with nature while producing healthy, sustainable farm products from animals whose quality of life is their passion.  The Icelandic sheep bones we source from this Animal Welfare Approved farm come from certified 100% grass fed, primitive breed animals who were purposefully selected to match the climate and geography of this beautiful state.  This allows these animals to live free and solely off the land while contributing to the symbiotic relationship that helps this entire farm thrive.




Raised on pasture and free to forage, the certified organic pigs over at Full Moon Farm also get to feast on vegetables grown right on sight, organic whey from Champlain Valley Creamery and certified organic grain.